March 2011
9 Tower Neurology /NeuroSurgery Floor
Methodist University Hospital
United States




Amber is one of those "total package" Nurses. She's always professional, has admirable communication skills, getting along with everyone. She serves her community. She is open to change and innovation, particularly if it improves patient care. She stays up to date on the latest science through best practice initiatives and leads other nurses by example.

When University of Tennessee selected 9 tower as their DEU (designated education unit), they needed clinical teachers to assign the student nurses for the entire semester. Amber was one of the first nurses selected to participate. This new and innovative program paired a student to a clinical nurse for the entire semester. The nurse would be actively involved in the immersion of the student into the "real world" nursing culture. She would need to be a role model, and a teacher, shaping and helping evaluate the students performance. Amber is a natural in this role. She has high expectations but is still kind and nurturing, a real challenge on a very busy Ortho/neuro med-surg unit. In this role, Amber is instrumental in the recruitment of one of our promising new nurses, one of her UT students.

When not assigned to UT student nurses, Amber orients new RN's on our unit. Amber has excellent organizational skills that are especially helpful to nurses who are learning time management. Amber is protective of her orientee's, even when they are no longer her orientee's. Recently, 2 nurses were needed to help cover a need on another unit. It was one of her former orientee's first experience, to be "pulled". Amber asked to be the second nurse to go to that unit, even though it was not her time, so she could "be
there" for the new nurse.

Amber keeps up on best practice and current clinical quality projects. Often she is the one asked to champion a cause. She is our Central Line Champion, a hand hygiene monitor and Pain Resource Nurse. She has represented us in the quality improvement group.

In addition to all this, she is a favorite with patients and families. She has a knack for identifying what is important to them. A young woman, who had been very independent and stylish was rather despondent. Her pretty hair had been clipped for the brain tumor to be removed. The drainage from her scalp had matted in her hair. After ascertaining it was safe, she washed the ladies hair, helped her comb and arrange it and apply her makeup. This did more to help her patient’s self esteem and boost her morale than all the medications she had taken. Amber was able to see the impact such a simple thing could have on her recovery.

Amber is a strong patient advocate. It's obvious, her overall goal is excellent care for the patient. She is kind and attentive, ensuring that her patients pain is controlled, using rounds to give her patients medication needed, rather than waiting for them to call, ask and wait. When a patient is anxious she is calming. She will make time to hold an elderly patients hand and listen to their story, even when she's busy: which is always. She has joined patients and family in prayer, when that is what they want. It's "all about the patient".

Amber doesn't stop working when she leaves the hospital at night. She volunteers as a youth counselor for her church. She was the church "nurse" for the youth groups Florida trip, using vacation time to go with them and serve. Amber is truly a nurse who doesn't just have a job: she has a calling.

Please recognize this truly outstanding, and deserving nurse with the DAISY Award.