Stanley Stinson
July 2022
Emergency Center
Beaumont Hospital-Farmington Hills
Farmington Hills
United States




He doesn’t do any of it for recognition, but only because he cares so much, and he knows it’s the right thing to do.
Nurses are often thanked for being so selfless. We’re put in situations where people are so vulnerable that we share a very emotional bond with our patients. Even among the incredible things I’ve seen many nurses do, one nurse’s actions stand out. Stanley is one of the most selfless and caring people I have ever met. He is incredibly kind and understanding. He is compassionate and advocates for his patients. He enthusiastically greets everyone he sees and lifts everyone’s spirit-staff and patients. He doesn’t do any of it for recognition, but only because he cares so much, and he knows it’s the right thing to do. Last night we had a patient who was near the end of her life, and before she passed, her family wanted her last rites to be read for her. The patient didn’t have long, and we didn’t know if we could get a chaplain there in time. Stanley stepped in with the grieving family and performed the last rites. In a devastating time for the family, he was there to provide comfort. Stanley says he’s just doing what any of us would do. He always tells people how much he looks up to them. Stanley of medicine, I look up to you.