Shreeya Patel
November 2020
CHI Health Creighton University Medical Center- Bergan Mercy




I want to recognize the awesome job Shreeya did last week with our COVID positive patient. The patient had been intubated for a while and was scheduled to be transitioned straight from the ET vent to a trach. Shreeya really advocated for the patient to be allowed to try just extubation before they went straight to the trach. This patient was unable to speak for herself, and due to COVID precautions, she wasn't allowed to have any visitors. Shreeya made it her personal mission to stand up for this patient. The patient ended up being successfully extubated and able to breathe on her own. Thanks to Shreeya pushing for what she believed was right for the patient. She was able to avoid the trach.
I also always enjoy working with Shreeya. Her positive attitude is contagious. She works so hard and is comforting to her patients. She is a nurse I would trust with any of my family members.