Sharon Coleman-Simien
November 2021
Emergency Department
Lake Charles Memorial Health System
Lake Charles
United States




Ms. Sharon is an awesome nurse and human. She is one of the most well-spoken, compassionate, kind nurses I have had the honor of working with.
Ms. Sharon has been a registered nurse at Lake Charles Memorial Hospital (LCMH) since May 25, 1989. Ms. Sharon has worn many hats during her career at LCMH. She started her career at LCMH as a junior student aide. She has worked as a clinical nurse educator, shift coordinator in the emergency department (ED), and chart auditor in the finance department. Ms. Sharon’s current role is as a staff nurse in the ED. I have been acquainted with Ms. Sharon in some of her different roles; however, over the past year as her director in the ED, I have had the honor of getting to know her very well.

Ms. Sharon is an awesome nurse and human. She is one of the most well-spoken, compassionate, kind nurses I have had the honor of working with during my 28-year career. I have observed her talking some of the most dangerous mental health patients into cooperating and becoming engaged in their care. I have watched her talk many nurses out of bad places and quite a few providers have had better shifts because of her.

Ms. Sharon is very engaged in her work environment and her profession as an ED nurse. She is has been the chair of our unit-based nurse practice council (UPC) since September 2020 and has led our Healthy Workforce Champion team for six months now. During her role as the UPC chair, she has helped research and develop processes to improve patient flow in the ED. For example, she led her team in researching immediate bedding processes and helped develop the policy and roll out the education. She was also instrumental in our advanced triage team process. Our Left Without Being Seen rate dropped from 5.7% in July 2021 to 1.2% in August 2021. In her role on the Healthy Workforce Champion team, Ms. Sharon helped develop a plan for rolling out our Professional Practice Agreement. Each month the team chooses a commitment from that agreement and focuses on that commitment all month long to ensure that we treat each other as we, ourselves, want to be treated.

I cannot think of another nurse that deserves this award more than Ms. Sharon does. She has been a crucial player in the successes of our department over the past year.