Rory Rushlow
February 2024
Specialty Clinic
Syracuse VA Medical Center
United States




Rory is one of the most committed nurses to the specialty clinic for Veterans and providers.
Rory is one of the most committed nurses to the specialty clinic for Veterans and providers. She frequently goes above and beyond her job description to help provide excellent care. I have an elderly patient with mild dementia and failure to thrive, and not only did she page and summon the palliative care team nurse and social worker, she paged radiology for immediate imaging results, walked over to radiology to speak with them, paged respiratory therapy and advocated for this Veteran and his wife who is struggling to care for him. This is just one example of her exemplary care; every day, she welcomes the Veterans and their families, establishing a warm bond and greeting them with humor and the utmost respect. Please acknowledge Rory for her integrity as an outstanding, hardworking nurse and an extraordinary human being.