Raquel Parces
April 2024
MedStar Washington Hospital Center
United States




Raquel stayed. She made sure the next nurse was aware of my situation, and she encouraged me.
After just shy of 2 weeks of recuperation with no complications, the day before my anticipated discharge, I spiked a fever. For days, I had a fever, chills, and lots of tests, CT scans, ultrasound, x-rays, blood culture, and urine tests. Raquel explained what was going on, and when I returned to my room after the test, she checked in on me. By day's end, the doctors had decided to commence antibiotics. Although it was nearing the end of Raquel's shift, she said she would not leave before the antibiotics were given. Since I had only one entry point, each one was given individually, one after the other. Raquel stayed. She made sure the next nurse was aware of my situation, and she encouraged me. That is true dedication to the nursing profession.