May 2011
Baptist Memorial Hospital - DeSoto
United States




A couple weeks ago on a very cold rainy morning my family was turned upside down when my father was involved in an early morning vehicle wreck on his way to work and upon arrival was rushed into the operating room with multiple broken bones and a very poor prognosis. My family and I were gathered out in the front lobby of the hospital. My mother was so very upset and was crying so hard that she could hardly breathe. During these moments out of nowhere an angel came over to help.

Perry, a nurse from the 8th floor, was on his way home that morning and noticed that my mother was terribly upset. Perry stopped to console my mother. Perry spent 30 minutes talking to my mother and the rest of our family and really put all of us at ease. Perry didn't give us false hope, but answered some questions for us and reassured us that my father was in good hands. Before Perry left to go home we all held hands and Perry led a prayer on my father’s behalf. I never had the chance to thank Perry, so please let him know how much this act of kindness meant to all of us. My dad is now home with us and we never will forget the act of kindness that Perry showed our family.

Perry's act of kindness didn't stop there. As Perry was walking out the front door he recognized a patient from his floor that was being discharged home. This little lady was in a wheel chair and her husband was walking with a walker. It was raining really hard and Perry was concerned about the couple. Perry asked them if they trusted him well enough to go and get their car for them to keep them from getting rained on. Of course they said yes and Perry ran across the parking lot and got this couple’s car for them. Perry helped the little lady into her car, hugged her and wiped the tears from this little lady's face.

Perry was on his way home and took the time to help strangers in need. Thanks God for people like Perry. Please nominate Perry from the 8th floor for The DAISY Award.