Nirmalraj Pappinisserril
October 2021
University of Texas Medical Branch-Galveston and Ambulatory Care
United States




Nirmalraj has previous experience with pediatrics. He was willing to go assess the patient.
On Sunday a PICU resident called the unit and ask if anyone was available to assist with an IV on a 2-year-old covid patient. Somehow her call was transferred to TDC ICU. She said she was unable to reach anyone in vascular. I explain to her that she probably could not reach anyone in vascular since it was Sunday. Nirmalraj has previous experience with pediatrics. He was willing to go assess the patient. He was able to establish PIV access. A nurse from TDCJ ICU with his own set of patients going over to John Sealy to assist with the care of a pediatric patient is truly the definition of "working together to wonders". Raj was very modest and didn't think it was a big deal but I think he deserves recognition for his effort and willingness to always help when he can.