Myra Hansen
June 2017
Oregon Health & Science University
United States




Myra Hansen is an outstanding clinician, critical thinker and communicator, who works at the top of her license as a registered nurse. Myra often goes above and beyond to do what is best for her patients as exemplified in the example below. Recently the Emergency Department had a patient with mental illness as well as dementia. The patient was elderly, unable to care for himself and needed ongoing nursing care. Unfortunately, the patient had labile behaviors and was unsafe to be in a room alone as he was a risk to himself. Multiple attempts at placement in the community failed and the patient did not meet inpatient status to leave the ED for a medicine floor. The patient had been in an Interview room, which only has artificial light and consists of a mattress on the floor for several days. In addition, this individual had suffered two falls in the last 24 hours due to restlessness and progressive health decline. Upon assuming care for this patient on his eighth day in the Emergency Department, Myra immediately advocated for him to move to a new room. Myra partnered with another nurse to remove the patient from the interview area into a room with a TV and natural lighting. She worked to get a sitter for the patient and to advance his ADLs. Myra used ARCC to escalate her concerns for the patient to the charge nurse and was directive in his care to improve his condition. The patient had almost immediate improvement in his mental state and was better able to participate in his care. Ultimately his care plan progressed and he required less direct nursing care as his delirium improved. It is this type of patient centered advocacy which truly embodies the compassion and drive that nursing is all about. Not only did Myra return humanity back to this patient's experience, but she made an unsafe condition much more stable. It is my honor to name Myra Hansen a DAISY Nurse for her continued commitment to quality and patient centered care in the Emergency Department.