Michael Sills
May 2022
Yawkey 8 Infusion
Massachusetts General Hospital
United States
Mike has continued to be there for me, whether I get treatments at MGH, or Florida. He will do Reiki healing on each of my chemo medicines as I get them. When he's able to, he does it remotely for me while I'm in Florida.
I was a 68-year-old woman when I was diagnosed with stage 4 Cholangiocarcinoma and was already in liver failure. My prognosis was 3-6 months. I also learned that it is a rare and fast-growing cancer. All this happened during the pandemic when you were not allowed to have anyone with you.
I started my treatment regime of radiation and chemotherapy. and to my luck, Michael Sills, RN, BSN became my nurse. I remember thinking at the time, what a nice, caring, attentive, compassionate, person he was. Always checking on me, especially on that first day of treatment. What could he do to make me comfortable? Could he get me something to eat or drink? Was I warm enough? He continued to peek in on me on that long day of treatment.
As the treatment went on, Mike and I would talk. I became comfortable with him and at times would share feelings or thoughts that I had. He was always there with a listening ear, no matter how busy he was. Through our talks, he learned that my goal was to beat the odds of my prognosis. He also knew that I was open to other things to supplement traditional medicine to achieve my goal. He realized that and embraced any positive energy that was offered to me, no matter what it was. Whether that was prayer, thinking of food as medicine, healings, or natural supplements. We became friends. One day I questioned something. I will never forget what Mike did. He looked me in the eye and said, "that is not your story." I have repeated that sentence to myself many times over the past year and a half. Mike has continued to be there for me, whether I get treatments at MGH, or Florida. He will do Reiki healing on each of my chemo medicines as I get them. When he's able to, he does it remotely for me while I'm in Florida. Michael surprised me with a very special gift of healing crystals, designed to heal and bring positive energy to me for my type of cancer. I have worn them on my body, daily since that special day. He is always with me and so is his positive energy. He is one of the reasons I am doing so well today. Therefore, I am nominating him for "The DAISY Award for Extraordinary Nurses." He is nothing short of an extraordinary nurse and person. When they use the saying "it takes a village", this is what it means. It takes people like Mike, in your life to get through struggles like this, people that are there for you when you are struggling the most. This is what makes you realize how incredible people are and that we are all part of the village.
I started my treatment regime of radiation and chemotherapy. and to my luck, Michael Sills, RN, BSN became my nurse. I remember thinking at the time, what a nice, caring, attentive, compassionate, person he was. Always checking on me, especially on that first day of treatment. What could he do to make me comfortable? Could he get me something to eat or drink? Was I warm enough? He continued to peek in on me on that long day of treatment.
As the treatment went on, Mike and I would talk. I became comfortable with him and at times would share feelings or thoughts that I had. He was always there with a listening ear, no matter how busy he was. Through our talks, he learned that my goal was to beat the odds of my prognosis. He also knew that I was open to other things to supplement traditional medicine to achieve my goal. He realized that and embraced any positive energy that was offered to me, no matter what it was. Whether that was prayer, thinking of food as medicine, healings, or natural supplements. We became friends. One day I questioned something. I will never forget what Mike did. He looked me in the eye and said, "that is not your story." I have repeated that sentence to myself many times over the past year and a half. Mike has continued to be there for me, whether I get treatments at MGH, or Florida. He will do Reiki healing on each of my chemo medicines as I get them. When he's able to, he does it remotely for me while I'm in Florida. Michael surprised me with a very special gift of healing crystals, designed to heal and bring positive energy to me for my type of cancer. I have worn them on my body, daily since that special day. He is always with me and so is his positive energy. He is one of the reasons I am doing so well today. Therefore, I am nominating him for "The DAISY Award for Extraordinary Nurses." He is nothing short of an extraordinary nurse and person. When they use the saying "it takes a village", this is what it means. It takes people like Mike, in your life to get through struggles like this, people that are there for you when you are struggling the most. This is what makes you realize how incredible people are and that we are all part of the village.