Meghan Simmonds
February 2023
The Family Place
Evangelical Community Hospital
United States




Meghan's excellence and care extended past birth, as she walked me through MANY big emotions and made me feel like the most fantastic mother for this child.

One day in November, I was at work going about my day, while having spontaneous contractions and intense pressure and not feeling my baby moving often. I went on about my shift until I finally talked myself into going up to L&D around 4pm. I told my co-workers that I’d hope to be triaged and have nothing come out of it, and I’d be back down before 7! I was scheduled for a c-section at the end of the month. This was my first one ever. And this baby is baby number 3! I was so nervous.

I get up to L&D and they hook me up, and that’s when I met Meghan. I was nervous, she kept reassuring me that Myles looked amazing on the monitors, and I was in-fact contracting every 4-5 minutes. She was so genuine during this entire time! Then Heidi the midwife came in and informed me they wanted to keep me a little while longer to make sure nothing more was happening. Meghan came in and had to get some blood and start and IV. We joked and laughed the entire time! I felt like I wasn’t even in the hospital! We talked about our kiddos and how much we both enjoy working at Evan! During this whole process I was keeping my husband updated but didn’t want him to drive 45 minutes away for a false alarm. Having Meghan there really kept me calm and relaxed while not having my support person with me.

Around 8:15pm, they examined me again and noticed I progressed. They more than likely were not sending me home. I was HORRIFIED at this point. I needed a c-section due to my son being breech. I wasn’t mentally prepared. But again, Meghan was there and even though she didn’t know it she helped me process everything going on! I quickly called my husband once we knew that the c-section would be happening that night! Meghan made sure they weren’t going to start without my husband. When anesthesia came in to wheel me down to the OR, Meghan made the promise to get him down there as soon as he arrived! Sure enough she did!

When my son came out, he had some issues and between Meghan and Dr. Baca I knew he was in amazing hands! They kept coming over and talking to me about how he was doing! And honestly it meant the world to me! Upon going upstairs Meghan stayed by his side and it kept me at peace! Knowing he had someone so genuine and loving there taking care of him while I couldn’t be! Meghan came back in Saturday night and my son and I were so happy to have her back!! She was on top of our care and listened to any concerns I had. We just had normal conversations about life! And honestly it contributed to my care so much! We are so grateful for Meghan!


From the moment her shift started, Meghan's treatment was beyond-the-call. She was warm, funny, encouraging, empowering, and knowledgeable. I was unaware that all of these qualities could possibly exist within one person. When my epidural was inserted too late to be effective (OOPS), Meghan truly made me believe that I was capable of birthing a baby naturally. Her words were so intentional and inspiring and she seemed to custom fit her approach to my needs and the needs of the midwife. My birth experience was made special because of her. I think I told her "you are so fantastic at this job" about 12 times during the 8 hours we together. Meghan's excellence and care extended past birth, as she walked me through MANY big emotions and made me feel like the most fantastic mother for this child. Meghan is a superstar and I count myself lucky that I was able to be in her fantastic care.