Maxwell Sorett
January 2022
Clark 8 Adult Psychiatry
Mount Sinai Morningside
New York
United States




How can someone so young, so smart, have such kindness and compassion for someone he doesn’t even know.
I am sure that few patients on the unit have ever felt to express the need or the know-how to show appreciation for extraordinary compassion, kindness, intellect, and sincere empathy for someone with a history as mine. I am over 60 years old and have been through some very hard times. I have just finished doing over 30 years of incarceration with over 4 years in solitary confinement. I say this because I need you to understand that in my life, true compassion and concern was hardly ever shown, let alone someone who genuinely cares. But this nurse stood out to me because he was not only concerned about my future, but the whole Clark 8 in general. He took the time to explain my medications, the importance of taking my medications and even how these medications work in my body and the sincere need of medications that are prescribed by my doctor. How can someone so young, so smart, have such kindness and compassion for someone he doesn’t even know. I was dead and brought back to life this is a fact. He has given me hope that there are still people in this world who truly care from the heart, not some phony just my job kinda of thing. He loves what he does. He cares who he speaks with.

All the morning staff on Clark 8 are truly great but his compassion and team effort was a profound experience for me and truly stands out. No human being in my lifetime at such a young age has shown me the kindness and care he has and believe me I have been around.

Also, please note I have written Channel 7 ABC for a kindness appreciation award. I hope that Mount Sinai continues to hire people like Maxwell Sorett RN and the staff on Clark 8. God Bless and be safe.