Mary Jane Oca
May 2023
Mary Jane
University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Trust
West Midlands
United Kingdom




Mary Jane always has time for her staff, to listen and mentor when needed.
Mary Jane is exceptional. The dedication that she gives to her job is always more than 100%. She always steps up above and beyond to make sure her staff are happy and safe in the workplace.

Once one of our colleagues needed to go home for emergency childcare. This leader did not hesitate to send her home to attend to her child and came out of the office to help run the clinic safely. When my colleague came back to work the next day, she shared that her family had told her, "You can’t leave that job; you've got the best leader."

She always stays late when ambulance crews are late picking up patients. She always has time for her staff, to listen and mentor when needed. She provides support and training to make sure our outputs are of the highest quality. She always encourages and reassures us. She gives us opportunities to explore additional training so we can improve our practice.

Additionally, the number of patients that appreciate her for her compassion and concern is countless, and our consultants are always appreciative and thankful for her efforts. She is one of the gems that UHCW is very lucky to have! My colleagues and I are proud to work with one of the best leaders at UHCW!