Lindsey Sams
January 2019
Parker Adventist Hospital
United States




Of special note is the wonderful nursing care provided by Lindsey Sams. Lindsey provided direct care for me over two consecutive days and stopped by the room on subsequent days to say hello and offer encouragement. In addition to her excellent knowledge and practice skills, Lindsey's compassionate attitude and efficiency were evident. She responded to my dismay in having been unable to locate the keys to my house and car. With my approval, Lindsey searched my personal belongings and located the keys I had overlooked.
I was wearing a t-shirt and pair of hospital scrubs another RN had given me instead of the traditional hospital gown. Since I had worn the t-shirt since the morning of my admission, I rinsed it out in the wash basin the late afternoon of the following day and left it out to dry but doubted it would be ready by the next day. Much to my unexpected delight in the morning, Lindsey brought me one of her husband's clean t-shirts to wear. I was touched by her thoughtfulness. She brightened my days by almost daily sharing photographs on her phone of her newly born son. You are indeed fortunate to have such an accomplished and commendable professional as Lindsey on the hospital staff.