Lauren Page
May 2023
Med-Surg Tele
Los Angeles Community Hospital
Los Angeles
United States




She is empathetic, very intelligent, kind, and on time with anything that assists my health.
The are many situations for me to share about the goodness of her character and her professionalism. Im paralyzed (7 months) and in deep sharp spine pain. I'm used to medical care at an acute hospital because I've had 5 spinal fusions at 5 different large hospitals in 5 years.

At this small community hospital, there are many fine RNs. Lauren is professional in that she explains and teaches me about meds, alternatives to meds, heat pads, and position changes. She is empathetic, very intelligent, kind, and on time with anything that assists my health. She is on top of meals, full of encouragement, and has called my MD when the pain was causing me tears to get pain relief. I think she will be a leader---charge nurse and is a quality human being!! She has never said an unkind or harsh word. I look forward to seeing Lauren each shift and will miss her when I’m discharged.