Kelly Palekar
November 2023
Lewes Office
United States




Kelly will take time out of her schedule to ensure all her patients feel heard and validated. Kelly always ensures that patients remain safe and feel supported during their mental health journey, especially at times of crisis.
As a psychiatric nurse practitioner, Kelly Palekar goes above and beyond to support her patients and their families' needs during times of crisis or success. Kelly Palekar has the unique ability to identify relatable characteristics between herself and her patients and uses these shared memories and experiences to bond with them. This allows Kelly to understand her patients personally and ensure that she treats them for every lived experience they have had and is not limited to their current presentation when they are in the office with her. Kelly will take time out of her schedule to ensure all her patients feel heard and validated. Kelly always ensures that patients remain safe and feel supported during their mental health journey, especially at times of crisis.

A young client came in for her routine session with Kelly and reported worsening depression and recent self-harm, along with a suicide attempt occurring in the previous 24 hours. Kelly spent an extra two hours after her shift had ended to talk with her patient and her parents to discuss her emotions, safety at home, and potential next steps, including needed hospitalization. Kelly sat with the individual and ensured they felt safe, informed, and protected before going to the hospital for an evaluation. Kelly then remained on the phone with the parents while their daughter received an assessment and supported the ease of their panic and anxiety. Kelly's thoroughness at this moment allowed the client to remain safe, maintain their autonomy in their decisions about what they needed for their health, and support the parents in their panic. Kelly then further communicated with the hospital to supply necessary information about the patient's preferences, personal and medical needs, and history, allowing the patient to have a comfortable and safe experience.

Kelly consistently fights for patients' needs and will always take time away from her day to go above and beyond for her patients.