Katie Connell
October 2017
Medical Intensive Care Unit
University of Maryland Medical Center
United States
I want to express my gratitude for Katie Connell. She was the nurse taking care of one of our beloved patients, who, after transfer from the MICU to BMT, had to be shortly transferred back to the MICU due to declining status. During the transfer report, Katie expressed how excited this patient was to be going "home" to BMT. This particular patient was very well known and loved by each of us and we were excited for her to be coming back to us as well. After a rapid decline in status during the next couple hours after transfer, we had to rapidly transfer the patient back to the MICU. The situation was highly stressful and left the patient, her husband, and me scared and afraid of what was to come.
Amidst the chaos of all that had just happened with the transfer, Katie maintained a calm and caring attitude, pulled me aside, and asked how I was doing. She explained that she knew how much we cared about this patient and wanted to make sure that I was okay.
This may seem small or insignificant, but I want Katie to know that she truly touched me that night with her kindness. As nurses, sometimes we are so busy dealing with stressful situations or patients that we forget to take care of one another. Katie went out of her way to do just that. I am truly grateful for her care and support.
Amidst the chaos of all that had just happened with the transfer, Katie maintained a calm and caring attitude, pulled me aside, and asked how I was doing. She explained that she knew how much we cared about this patient and wanted to make sure that I was okay.
This may seem small or insignificant, but I want Katie to know that she truly touched me that night with her kindness. As nurses, sometimes we are so busy dealing with stressful situations or patients that we forget to take care of one another. Katie went out of her way to do just that. I am truly grateful for her care and support.