Katherine Sipe
July 2022
Labor & Birth
Mercy Hospital St Louis
St Louis
United States




Katherine was so kind to us as we processed our news that I would then be delivering our baby who had already passed.
I came to the hospital to be induced. We knew going into this that our baby was not going to survive, so it was one of the worst days of our lives. Induction was taking a long time and by the next day, Katherine was our nurse. She was there for everything we needed that day. We were hoping to meet our daughter alive, but she, unfortunately, passed away that morning. Katherine was so kind to us as we processed our news that I would then be delivering our baby who had already passed. She was there through the whole delivery and when our daughter was born, she was there for whatever we wanted to do and came to the room for all our needs. She helped so I could bathe our daughter myself since I could not get out of bed. She brought everything to me. She helped us clothe and wrap our baby up and gave us all the time we needed with our daughter. After our visitors left, it was after shift change and we were ready to get her foot and handprints as keepsakes. Katherine was still there and stayed to finish getting all the keepsakes for us. She was just the nurse we needed on that day. We are so thankful for her care, time, and patience.