Karen Anzelc
September 2021
Heart and Vascular Center
University of Iowa Hospitals & Clinics
Iowa City
United States




Karen is very understanding and will do whatever it takes to make a person comfortable.
Karen Anzelc is my heart transplant RN. She has been with me on this very long journey since day one. And believe me when I tell you, it has been a long journey. I had several complications after the transplant and spent over two months there. She was always there. I must also mention all the RNs in the transplant unit and step-down are all very awesome also! I received very great care from everyone!

I have been back two times since my transplant, although it has been quite a while now. But Karen is always there and always on top of things. If I don’t understand something the docs are telling me, she will take time and explain to me in detail until I do understand. If I don’t like something they say or do, she will listen to me, and either reason it out to me or relay it to them. She always finds a way to make things work. She knows I have a hard time getting up there, due to the fact I can’t drive myself up there and have to depend on my family to get me back and forth. She will go out of her way to make it all work for my family and me. If I need to see a certain doctor for something other than my heart, she will again, go out of her way to find a doc closer to home. Karen is very understanding and will do whatever it takes to make a person comfortable.

There have been times when I have been pretty difficult to deal with and truthfully downright mean! Out of nowhere! This is totally not me. When I would call and apologize, and tell her that totally wasn’t me, she would listen and tell me not to worry. She would say, “I know that’s not you.” It’s a combination of everything, from transplant to meds to stress. She always understood. There have been times when I have been so down because of this virus, not getting to go out often or see my kids and grandkids. I would message her and ask when she had time, would she please call me. She will always make time and call and talk to me until I felt better. She always would find a way to make me see the bright side and smile. Karen is a very smart, knowledgeable, caring, understanding nurse. I love and respect and appreciate her so much! So does my family. She has always been there for them, too. I can’t think of another nurse who deserves this more than she does! I have told her, but words are words. I think this will definitely show her how wonderful she is.