Joseph Patterson
November 2017
MetroSouth Medical Center
Blue Island
United States




Upon arriving at my room the nurses were changing shifts, I was then introduced to Joe. He could clearly see I was in pain. The surgeons were trying to avoid surgery and try to resolve it by having a G-Tube in me.
Joe thoroughly and patiently explained the procedure to me. He cautioned me how it would be uncomfortable and try to relax. Upon starting the procedure, he was correct, it truly was very uncomfortable. He continued encouraging me with great calmness to try to relax and not fight the tube going in.
When the procedure was over, Joe held my hand tightly and said, "You did an amazing job."
When it came time to remove the tube, Joe was there again explaining calmly and patiently. He told me he would take it out as quickly and gently as possible. I took a deep breath and it was out. What an absolute relief, one of the best days of my life. He said he was just so happy for me and that I was on my way, avoiding surgery. He told me he would be off the rest of the week but, he knows that the nurses will take good care of me. I told him he was a blessing from God because of the extraordinary care and encouragement he gave me.
This is something so frightening and life-threatening for a patient to deal with but, Joseph gave me coping skills, teaching, kindness, patience, respect, and humor in dealing with my situation.
As I read the DAISY brochure, I thought about the description of the hand-carved stone sculpture entitled "A Healer's Touch", I thought that is the perfect description for Joe, "A Healer's Touch". Even as I write this letter, I write it tearfully because I am so truly grateful for this very "special nurse", Joseph Patterson. I will never forget him.