Zettler Rhodes
September 2017
Zettler Rhodes
Samuel Merritt University, School of Nursing
United States




Jenny has been a faculty with Samuel Merritt University since 2009.  Her clinical background is deep into Community Health.  During her time at SMU she has worked diligently to access community rotations throughout San Francisco and the Peninsula.  Her creed is all about working on the social determinants of health and getting her students to understand the importance of this in working with patients.  She accomplished incorporating a poverty simulation experience for students to gain affective learning about the needs of the underserved.  She is student centered to the fullest extent, always striving to deepen students understanding of health, nursing and social justice issues in community sites.  She is a problem solver, advocate and authentic listener.  She always seems to have an up "attitude" and goes above and beyond to improve the student experience.  She is a great example of what makes SMU an exceptional student focused school.