Hiromi Sako
February 2022
Home Health
Torrance Memorial Medical Center
United States




Personally, I believe Hiromi to be the best nurse that I have ever worked with, and feel like our department hit the jackpot with her on our team.
Hiromi Sako's contributions to our department have been exceptional and worthy of recognition. She embodies everything TMMC values in a leader. First, she always strives for evidenced based practice, and improving outcomes all the while using LEAN principles by using the most cost-effective method possible. She went out of her way to redesign our entire wound and ostomy formulary supply list. She spoke to in-patient and out-patient wound and ostomy supply vendors to negotiate better prices on superior products for the patients to get the best possible outcomes. In fact, she brought on the more superior products to cost less than what we were currently using.

Secondly, she always makes herself available (even on her days off) to answer questions from field staff about wounds and ostomy patients. She will go out unscheduled to do joint visits with nurses to support them on complicated cases. Her quick responses and superior clinical expertise have prevented serious, if not potentially fatal outcomes for several of our patients. When our management team requires her assessment, she again always makes time to see these patients and ensure they are getting the best possible treatment and the follow-up nursing team is well informed of the treatment plan as well.

She is also so passionate about supporting nurses. She personally encouraged many of them to acquire their wound and ostomy certifications, even acting as their preceptor while they were in their certification program. She is an amazing team player; during these challenging times, she has stepped in and gone outside of her job role and helped our department by doing patient admissions and on-call shifts. Personally, I believe her to be the best nurse that I have ever worked with, and feel like our department hit the jackpot with her on our team. I learn something new from her every time I am with her, and she has made me a stronger nurse and educator.