Futura Ardovino
February 2023
Registered Midwife
Templar Ward
Homerton Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
United Kingdom




Her communication throughout was excellent, she maintained exceptional team-working skills and was extremely empathetic to a patient
Futura had a patient with limited English on the antenatal ward. She recognised that the patient was in distress and was advocating for her to enable the patient to be transferred to Labour Ward and have appropriate analgesia. She very quickly noticed abnormalities within fetal well-being, and these were quickly escalated allowing prompt response and transfer for delivery. She remained with the patient far beyond her shift time to ensure she was ok, attempting to explain at each step what was happening. Her communication throughout was excellent, she maintained exceptional team-working skills and was extremely empathetic to a patient in a situation that was extremely difficult. She provided excellent care when the ward was otherwise busy also.