January 2021
Nursing Administration
Waldo County General Hospital




Deece strives to become a better nurse through study and is a great teacher who then shares her knowledge with others in informal and formal settings.
Deece inspires me to be a better supervisor. Her work ethic is remarkable. She is always willing to help in any situation no matter how mundane or stressful. She strives to become a better nurse through study and is a great teacher who then shares her knowledge with others in informal and formal settings. She never says, "That's not my job." In fact, last night I saw her helping the housekeeper clean a room in ICU so a patient could be transferred up in a timely fashion. That is not a one-time event. She is constantly looking for where she can be of assistance, whether by answering call bells or helping to toilet a patient. She is a true DAISY Nurse.
Note: This is Deece's 2nd DAISY Award!