Cynthia Sanders
September 2022
IMC Cardia Care Unit
Christus Good Shepherd Medical Center
United States




Cynthia took pictures, passed out Kleenex, and gave some much-needed hugs to our family.
My grandmother had a stroke and a heart attack. She was placed on the stroke unit. My grandfather was also placed in the hospital down the hall from her. My grandmother had a heart attack and was cardioverted and we were all afraid we were about to lose her. After she came to and was stable, my grandfather's nurse brought him down to my grandmother's room so he could see her. The look on my grandmother's face when she saw him was priceless! They held hands and he cried and told her how much he loved her. They were able to hold hands for 30 minutes. His nurse stayed the whole time despite having other patients and I'm sure she was very busy. She had another nurse cover her patients so she could give my grandparents time together after their very traumatic health issues. Cynthia took pictures, passed out Kleenex, and gave some much-needed hugs to our family. I am so thankful I got to witness that moment and so thankful Cynthia went above and beyond to make that experience happen.