Christina Stickland
November 2023
Intermediate Care
Saint Joseph Hospital
United States




She has consistently shown kindness, patience, and the utmost professionalism throughout my stay in the hospital
Christina embodies the traits that all in the medical field should aspire to. She has consistently shown kindness, patience, and the utmost professionalism throughout my stay in the hospital. A stay that has been quite trying indeed.

She is quite frankly the best of the best. I don’t have the words to express how she impacted my recovery. One week into my stay, I was flat-out hoping for death. Her positivity turned my hopes in working towards my recovery. At the very least, I will credit her for saving my life. She is the best person/nurse I have ever had the pleasure of meeting.

With my 6th-grade education, I don’t have the words to adequately express my appreciation and how fortunate I am to have had her assigned as my nurse. I have had procedures here that are embarrassing and humiliating, and Christina just made it ok. She is the ideal that others should strive for.

Simply Outstanding and I stand by every word!