Casey Garcia
April 2019
4 East
University Medical Center
United States




Our floor recently cared for a young woman who had just been diagnosed with leukemia, who was also 14 weeks pregnant. The couple had two young children and were from out of state. The couple was shocked, heartbroken, and faced with the incredibly difficult decision to start chemo and terminate the pregnancy. The mother knew she had to start the chemo to fight for her children. The day after losing their baby, Casey was the patient's nurse, and as you can imagine it was an extremely emotional day. Casey and I (charge nurse) talked about the day and Casey informed me that she wanted to help with the expenses of the baby's cremation ceremony. She was worried about the burden on the young family after this new cancer diagnosis and said she had the means to help. I told her that would be an incredible thing to do. A few days later when rounding on patients I was able to stop and talk to this patient, and the patient broke into tears about what Casey had done, paying for the cremation of their baby, and how much it not only helped them but also how much it meant to them emotionally. This was an extraordinary thing for Casey to do, and she didn't hesitate. Her focus was caring for her patient and trying to alleviate any burden she could for her patient. It speaks volumes to her compassionate character, and she deserves to be recognized.