Becky Pelnar
April 2013
Same Day Surgery
Aurora Medical Center Manitowoc County
United States




Becky did everything possible to make our Mom's breast cancer surgery go as timely and organized as possible. She explained every step of the way, answered all of our questions and made not just Mom, but her children as comfortable as possible. It was hard to be worried about outcomes in such a comfortable, warm, upbeat environment. When Mom's surgery was cancelled due to the procedure prior not working correctly, again Becky, with a tear in her own eye hugged Mom and said she hoped she was working the next week when it was rescheduled. She was and it was a great weight lifted off of all of us to see Becky's shining face, competent nursing and compassionate ways. She also has a marvelous sense of humor which put everyone at ease. Thank you Aurora for the top notch care for Mom!