Arielle Cedar
March 2024
Pediatric Infectious Disease
Massachusetts General Hospital
United States
She is not only compassionate and dedicated in her work, but she became our advocate in our son’s pediatric practice.
Arielle Cedar has worked alongside my son's pediatric infectious disease specialist at MGH for several years now. She is not only compassionate and dedicated in her work, but she became our advocate in our son’s pediatric practice. This has significant meaning to us as a family navigating a very difficult medical illness for several years with our son. We believe Arielle has helped with the management and improvement of our son's severe chronic medical condition. Arielle has always been there to answer our many questions and concerns as well as supply us with precise information and make sure she is always friendly with her follow-up. My son was rushed to MGH in the month of October. Our son has been sick for about 13 years now and we have never had to have our son be admitted to the hospital. This was very scary for a mother & father who had fought many years to keep their son out of the hospital. We met many residents, and nurses in both the ER and the unit of MGH and we were scared and nervous about having a medically complex child. No one knew our son and our son's history except his Pediatrician. This is so scary when you have a medically complex child and you must explain to everyone who has never met your child repeatedly your son's history to these imposing strangers who are not as invested in your child's care, not for lack of not wanting to be invested but because they have an entire hospital full of patients to care for. I remember sitting in my son's hospital room, so defeated and in tears and Arielle walked in. I had never met her before (except via email through the patient portal or on the phone). So, when she walked in, I was thinking, here is another nurse or doctor to tell me a different story and or ask me a million more questions about my son’s medical history. She came in to just introduce herself to us and to check in on our son and it was like my body let out a huge exhale and I was honestly in shock. She came to see and meet us as she wanted to put a name to a face, I no longer felt alone. It made us feel less alone just knowing that within the entire hospital as large as MGH, Arielle, was there caring for my son and our family. Along with the care she provides, she was also instrumental in assisting the medical team at MGH to pass a major medical insurance mandate in 2020 in the middle of COVID-19, that helps parents of children with chronic illnesses.