Ann Walsh
April 2019
Regional Cancer Care Associates LLC
United States
Ann has been my inspiration, cheerleader, caretaker, and nurse for the past 18 years. This was through 2 rounds of cancer. The first time in 2000. The periodic visits for "routine" checks until April 2015. For the second round of cancer each visit to the office, I am greeted like a long lost friend and never a patient. I am treated like a friend with care and gentle touch and a kick in the butt when needed. Through the years, she discovered my thyroid problem and arranged an appointment with an Endocrinologist with days of the "normal" weeks. Ann has gone to bat for me when I couldn't afford my chemo. She found the Pharmacy assistance I needed when my insurance hit me with $1,800.00 copay. When I visit the office I am not concerned about the treatment I'm getting because it will be delivered with an angel and affection.