Ann Lovejoy
March 2013
Labor and Delivery
Providence Alaska Medical Center
United States




Ann was very supportive of our wishes for a natural delivery of our baby. We had come in for induction because I was 9 days past my due date, and yet I was still seeking the least amount of intervention. I was started on pitocin and then my bag of waters was broken. In keeping with my goal of laboring free of pain meds, I wanted to walk and use the shower and couldn't because of the requirement for baby to be monitored while I was on the pitocin. I asked to be taken off pitocin. Ann was able to suggest to the doctor a risk mitigation plan of monitoring 5 of 20 minutes and that the contractions were strong enough without pitocin to allow me to do the walking and showering. My doctor was agreeable to her suggestion. This was extremely helpful in getting me to dilate fully to be able to push. I met my goal of a pain-med free delivery.