Amanda Mathews
February 2019
Mother Baby
Medical City Dallas
United States




My wife recently had a baby here and our experience was fantastic. I found the whole process to be efficient and highly patient-centered.
The check-in process was painless and quick. From there she had her epidural placed. The physician was kind and attentive. He placed it on the first go and checked on her periodically during the hospitalization.
Our experience with nursing was nothing short of exceptional. We started with Mandy Mathews who displayed a level of caring above and beyond what I would consider standard. I daresay, the care my wife received from her was on par with what a critical care nurse would deliver in the ICU. She was in her room several times every hour to check on her. About 6 hours after delivery, my wife started to have issues with excessive bleeding. The nurses reacted quickly and professionally. Nurse Mathews stayed long after her shift was over to make sure my wife was well taken care of. Ultimately, they resolved the issue and we went home with a healthy baby.
I mention Nurse Mathews by name because of her dedication and attention to detail. However, the other nurses who took care of my wife were also kind, professional and attentive.
I congratulate you on your hospital's OB services. The reason your program is successful is not just the brick and mortar (which is very pretty, by the way), it is the people. It is difficult to recruit, train and retain nurses of this caliber and recognition of their efforts is absolutely necessary. Most of the nurses did not know that I was a neurosurgeon here at the hospital. Therefore, I don't think the care we received was 'special'. I suspect that all patients receive the same level of superb care that we experienced.
Congratulations on assembling such a great team of Obstetricians, Anesthesiologists, and Nurses. Thank you.