Teresa Kane
October 2021
Weinberg 5B (Oncology: Leukemia unit)
The Johns Hopkins Hospital
United States
Teresa is the type of nurse one wants on their shift when a patient’s status becomes critical.
Teresa Kane is an outstanding nurse I have had the pleasure to work with as a traveler on the 5B Weinberg Leukemia unit. She is often a charge nurse on night shifts. Her expertise and experience are vital in these shifts.
Despite however busy we are, while she has a patient load and is being charge, she always goes the extra mile with her patients. I have seen her tirelessly walk patients at 3 am to salvage their mobility while they are sadly deconditioning due to disease. I have watched her have a heart-to-heart talk with a woman grieving her body image after chemo and compassionately shaved her head after the woman decided to do it. She is the type of nurse one wants on their shift when a patient’s status becomes critical.
I recently had a patient with stroke symptoms and Teresa was in the room in a blink of an eye, expediting the Stroke Team. The patients love her and she is truly a nurse who has dedicated her life to the passion of oncology nursing and providing phenomenal care to her patients.
Despite however busy we are, while she has a patient load and is being charge, she always goes the extra mile with her patients. I have seen her tirelessly walk patients at 3 am to salvage their mobility while they are sadly deconditioning due to disease. I have watched her have a heart-to-heart talk with a woman grieving her body image after chemo and compassionately shaved her head after the woman decided to do it. She is the type of nurse one wants on their shift when a patient’s status becomes critical.
I recently had a patient with stroke symptoms and Teresa was in the room in a blink of an eye, expediting the Stroke Team. The patients love her and she is truly a nurse who has dedicated her life to the passion of oncology nursing and providing phenomenal care to her patients.