Noah A Callahan
January 2024
Noah A
Progressive Care Unit
Northside Hospital Cherokee
United States




It was one of the hardest days of our lives and Noah made the transition a little easier.
My 80-year-old stepdad was taken care of by Noah on the evening of his last day on earth. My stepdad started out in the Emergency Room, moved to the ICU, and then the progressive care floor. He had many ups and downs during his stay. He had some wonderful nurses along the way also. Noah just stood out to me on his last day. Many things happened with his care in the 28 days he was in the hospital. We had to make the difficult decision to switch him to comfort care. Noah actually had been my stepdad's nurse a few days of his stay and asked for him that night KNOWING it was going to be end-of-life care. He was SO COMPASIONATE to our family. He explained EVERY STEP that would happen, what to look for, and let us know he was right outside of the door if we needed him. He checked on my stepdad and updated us about every 20-30 mins, also preparing US for the end. He did a FANTASTIC job at keeping my stepdad comfortable all the while continuing to explain the steps, signs, and procedures. When my stepdad was taking his last breath, literally, Noah was RIGHT there. He had to have been glued to his monitor watching every beep. He was in the room right away, told us his rhythm had changed, and listened to his heart and lungs. In the MOST KIND and GENTILIST way, he let us know that Bobby had passed and that he was now in a better place with no pain or suffering. We could not have felt more loved by a hospital employee. Noah deserves recognition for his kind heart and compassionate spirit. It was one of the hardest days of our lives and Noah made the transition a little easier.