Madison Goundry
February 2023
Weinberg ICU
The Johns Hopkins Hospital
United States
She took care of every detail, including providing the patient with a fresh haircut and shave, ensuring the room was clean and organized, and even staying up late the night before to hand make the patient a boutonniere
Maddie is a highly compassionate nurse, which shines through in moments like these. After caring for one of our patients who has been in the ICU for several weeks, Maddie discovered that the patient’s granddaughter was engaged. Upon further discussion, it was clear that both the family and the patient were disappointed that he may not be able to participate in the wedding. Maddie quickly sprung into action and worked diligently to coordinate with both the patient’s family as well as JHH staff to host a surprise wedding at the bedside. She took care of every detail, including providing the patient with a fresh haircut and shave, ensuring the room was clean and organized, and even staying up late the night before to hand make the patient a boutonniere so that he could feel his best for the special occasion. The patient was greatly moved and appreciative of all the work it took to complete this surprise. Maddie is an amazing nurse clinically, but her attention to all of a patient’s needs puts her in a class of her own. She is a great example to us all!