Kelsey E. Benson
December 2023
Kelsey E.
Procedural Nursing
Northside Hospital Duluth
United States




As his wife watched this with tears in her eyes she and her husband continued to chat with Kelsey as she stayed on her day off until the time came for him to be discharged home.

I am the Supervisor of this department. I typically give the nomination information to the patient and their family to fill out. I do this often because this is the most amazing team I have ever worked with. I know this patient and his wife will be sending in their story, but I wanted to share my own observations about the care Kelsey has provided this patient, the impact she has had on him, and the impact he has had on her.

Kelsey will tell you she is not warm and fuzzy. She has never had the time to spend with her patients in the past as her previous department was a different pace and she didn't have that luxury. From the first time she took care of this patient, it was clear the bond was quickly formed. Warm and fuzzy took hold of Kelsey and every time this patient comes to us for care she makes it a point to go into his room just to talk and see how he is doing even if she's not assigned to him that day. She has shared her life with him and vice versa. She has watched and cared for him as he slowly slips closer to the inevitable end. Today she came in on her day off along with two other team members and helped our team present him with a team photo, signed by us all with messages about how he will always be remembered and how he has touched our hearts. Especially Kelsey’s. She made a special hand-knitted blanket to help keep him warm and presented it to him. As his wife watched this with tears in her eyes she and her husband continued to chat with Kelsey as she stayed on her day off until the time came for him to be discharged home. This patient was given the gift of Kelsey which helped her be able to make that special connection where she stated "You've touched my heart" to him as we all gathered around him. This entire team will never forget this patient and his wife. He told us we give him hope to continue to fight for more stability and quality time. He was given one year when he received his diagnosis. On the one-year and one-day mark, he was with us and now we are past that by over a month. Kelsey is so deserving of this DAISY Award for the very strong bond she has formed with this patient and his wife. I have been blessed as well with listening to their story, the goals he wanted to achieve before he was gone, and watching my team never get tired of spending time with this patient. Especially Kelsey!