Janet Brulte
November 2016
Advantage Medical Professionals
United States
"Everyone was great. I have to say Janet was my favorite. Great to talk to, great bedside manner, explained everything to me."
"I had great care, especially from my first nurse Janet, she taught me a lot, very informative, extremely nice."
These are only two examples of the many patient compliments about Janet. One example of a facility compliment states, "She is doing well. Her patient communication is detailed and strong."
"I wanted you to know how much I appreciated Janet's work last night. We did not have optimal staffing, as we were unable to staff a free charge RN and we did not have a NA. Janet and the other nurses admitted 6 patients last night and completed all necessary tasks to hand over smoothly this morning. I sincerely appreciate Janet's willingness to continue at UHC. She is a valuable member of our team on Telemetry."
Another example of a compliment from a manager at a facility where Janet was on contract. Janet has received recognition for Best Performance of Bedside Shift Report, Best Completion of Patient White Board. She was so well liked at a facility, that she was renewed and remained on contract at that facility since 2014. She is the perfect example of what an agency nurse can be. She is greatly appreciated by our company.
"I had great care, especially from my first nurse Janet, she taught me a lot, very informative, extremely nice."
These are only two examples of the many patient compliments about Janet. One example of a facility compliment states, "She is doing well. Her patient communication is detailed and strong."
"I wanted you to know how much I appreciated Janet's work last night. We did not have optimal staffing, as we were unable to staff a free charge RN and we did not have a NA. Janet and the other nurses admitted 6 patients last night and completed all necessary tasks to hand over smoothly this morning. I sincerely appreciate Janet's willingness to continue at UHC. She is a valuable member of our team on Telemetry."
Another example of a compliment from a manager at a facility where Janet was on contract. Janet has received recognition for Best Performance of Bedside Shift Report, Best Completion of Patient White Board. She was so well liked at a facility, that she was renewed and remained on contract at that facility since 2014. She is the perfect example of what an agency nurse can be. She is greatly appreciated by our company.