Erin Skinner
February 2022
Piedmont Athens Regional Medical Center
United States




Erin went many extra miles to ensure together we met patients' needs while we worked.
Erin has always been a calm, caring nurse and co-worker, with timely assistance and advice. This particular day, we did not have a patient care tech for this very busy day shift, thus had all vital signs, blood sugars, tray dispensing/pickup, and bathroom assistance for our patients on our side of the floor. Erin stepped in to help multiple times as she recognized my struggle with the acuity, complete care, cognitive deficits, and heavy medication needs of my patients, while caring for her own. She worked alongside me to get my patients onto bedside commodes, bedpans, emptied urinals, and took one patient's morning medications so I could complete the others with multiple IV med needs and time-critical meds as ordered. We looked out for each other's patients, but she went many extra miles to ensure together we met patients' needs while we worked. I'm always grateful for her, and this day was even more so. She is a pleasure to work alongside!