Emily Steele
September 2021
Adult Outpatient Surgery
Ascension St. Vincent Indianapolis Hospital and Health Care Center
United States




Emily not only was there to assist with the post-op recovery, but she jumped into action and was able to assist with bringing my husband safely out of the episode.
Emily is a person that describes a DAISY Nurse. Not only being an awesome nurse clinically, but she also went above and beyond to assist my husband emotionally. My husband is a combat veteran who is 100% disabled. The majority of his disability is from severe PTSD. There was an elderly gentleman in a room next to my husband, whom I am guessing had dementia. He was loudly and continuously yelling “Help! Help me!”

Numerous nurses went into the gentleman's room, but the yelling continued. To my husband, it sounded like a battle cry. With that, the gentleman next door triggered my husband's PTSD. He began to panic and get more agitated. We told Emily, she immediately jumped into action. She moved my husband from recovery to pre-op so that it was quieter. She turned on the bear blanket warmer fan to help drown out the gentleman who was yelling. She shut the door and she kept checking on my husband. She spoke softly and calmly to assist in calming my husband. It took a good while but my husband's episode had subsided.

My husband's blood pressure gets in the stroke zone once he is in a PTSD episode. Subsequently, many other health issues happen, sometimes taking him days to recover from the episode. Emily not only was there to assist with the post-op recovery, but she jumped into action and was able to assist with bringing my husband safely out of the episode. Emily is a true blessing in the healthcare field. I am forever grateful to have Emily as our post-op surgery nurse. Please consider her for the DAISY award. There have been countless times when something has triggered my husband's PTSD. An order for Xanax can take hours to approve. Emily jumped into action immediately and took the extra measures to make sure my husband was ok.