Doris Lucineo
October 2018
In-home, Private Duty
Advantage Medical Professionals
United States
The team at Advantage Medical Professionals would like to give a warm thank you to Doris Luceino, RN, "Ms. Doris", for her outstanding gratitude and representation of our company. Ms. Doris has been nothing short of amazing. She continues to strive to be the best she can be by consistently dedicating her time and efforts to others in need.
Recently, Ms. Doris was asked to participate in a Smoothie King commercial featuring one of her clients (Smoothie King partners with Team Gleason to help fund respite program) dealing with the unfortunate ALS disease. They made it very clear that Doris was more than just a nurse to their family, she was a gift. We at Advantage feel the exact same way about Ms. Doris, she is more than a nurse to us, she is a gift. She shines a dark room like a ray of sunshine saying, "hey my sweetness" every time she steps foot in the office.
A true hero isn't measured by the size of his or her strength, but by the size of his or her heart.
Recently, Ms. Doris was asked to participate in a Smoothie King commercial featuring one of her clients (Smoothie King partners with Team Gleason to help fund respite program) dealing with the unfortunate ALS disease. They made it very clear that Doris was more than just a nurse to their family, she was a gift. We at Advantage feel the exact same way about Ms. Doris, she is more than a nurse to us, she is a gift. She shines a dark room like a ray of sunshine saying, "hey my sweetness" every time she steps foot in the office.
A true hero isn't measured by the size of his or her strength, but by the size of his or her heart.