Colin Stoddard
December 2021
Intensive Care Unit
Cleveland Clinic Medina Hospital
United States




Colin's dedication to the art of nursing, to the patient, and to the patient’s family members is extraordinary.
Colin cared for a patient several shifts in a row and had formed a bond with the patient and the family. Unfortunately, the patient was intubated, extubated, and then re-intubated. All of the shifts that Colin cared for the patient, he kept the family up to date on the patient's progress. The family had decided to make the decision to terminally wean the patient on a Saturday, the day Colin was off. Colin knew that the family was coming in to see their family member for the last time and to change the code status. Colin came in on that Saturday and sat with the patient's family in the waiting room while they made the code status changes and while the patient took her last breath. The dedication to the art of nursing, to the patient, and to the patient’s family members is extraordinary. Colin is a great role model for both seasoned nurses and new nurses. He is the definition of World Class Care. I am so proud of him.