May 2022
Ocean Homecare
VNA Health Group
Toms River
United States




Through it all, Christie was there, working tirelessly and diligently, helping them understand issues and ramifications.
Christie has continued to have some of our most challenging clients. One in particular that comes to mind is GL. GL became a para paraplegic from an accident 13 years ago and has been a patient of the VNA since the accident. Christie took over his care around 5 years ago and did a simple supra pubic cath change every 2 weeks. Over the years, he became more debilitated. He was on a roller coaster, never knowing what to expect when you walked into the door. According to his wife, when things were new or frightening, Christie always made her feel better and helped her navigate her husbands' ebbs and flows of his health. Through it all, Christie was there, working tirelessly and diligently, helping them understand issues and ramifications. Of utmost importance to her was that Christie always kept her informed and made GL smile and laugh and put him at ease when things weren't easy. For the first time since the accident, GL's wife went on vacation with her girlfriends for a long weekend. When Christie walked in Monday morning, GL was in the house with his 2 teenage sons. She recognized something was wrong, and she and the HHA went to work to help him; she soon realized that it wasn't his usual issues, and while she was talking to him, she realized that she needed to start CPR. 911 was called, and within minutes EMS was there and took over. GL was stabilized and transferred to CMC. Christie called his wife and told her what had happened and explained that she needed to come home as soon as possible. She also was there for his boys, giving them emotional support and explaining things to them in a way they could understand. She also explained what was going on to the boys' grandparents, who were helping take care of them while their mother was away. GL's wife was grateful to Christie for being there when it happened; she told me she was happy it wasn't one of the boys that found him too late. Unfortunately, GL passed in a few days, but in that time, Christie called GL's wife every day, offering emotional support and comforting words. Christie was one of the 1st people she called to inform her of GL's passing. I spoke with GL's wife not long after offering our condolences, and she couldn't say enough about Christie. She stated that Christie stands out as a nurse willing and able to go way beyond the normal call of duty for her patients and their families and the VNA as a whole.