Carlton Cowan
October 2023
Northside Hospital
United States




I was under Carlton's care for 3 nights and I don't want to think what condition I would have been in without him.
One day I found out I had Cancer in my mouth and neck, 3 weeks later, I was headed to surgery. No time to understand or prepare. This was the first time in my 62 years that I had more than a sinus infection. When I woke up in the ICU after a 12-hour surgery, I was extremely scared.

Carlton reassured me over and over again that I was fine and he's got me. He never backed down from that either. Always reassuring me and explaining and preparing me for what would come next. My children took turns staying with me and Carlton treated them with the same compassion and care. This man held my hand (literally) and took care of me as if I were his own Mama! I felt so much love and compassion from someone I'd never met before. I was under Carlton's care for 3 nights and I don't want to think what condition I would have been in without him. I was so comfortable under his care.

When it came time for me to leave the ICU and head over to the Intermediate ICU I was again apprehensive of the unknown but Carlton assured me I was going to be in the best of care and he even introduced me to my new nurse in my new room. He checked in on me often. After working 3 nights straight in the ICU before going home he would stop by and give me a hug and tell me how great I was doing and that I was looking great too. His encouragement and compassion got me over the biggest healthcare hurdle of my life. I can never truly express my gratitude for what he has done for me! He took care of me medically, mentally, and compassionately.

This young man would look me straight in my eyes, while holding my hand and tell me I was going to be just fine and I felt his genuine concern and believed he was right! Carlton nurses with his heart and mind and I love him for taking such great care of me! He is a very smart, loving, kind, and humble Nurse!