August 2021
April D
Cardiothoracic Surgery ICU
Carilion Roanoke Memorial Hospital
United States




True to her nature, April remained present with, attentive to, and supportive of all at bedside, especially the patient's significant other.
April's compassion extends far beyond the bedside! Already known for her consistent willingness to meet and exceed the basic needs and expectations of her patients, the patients' families, and her peers, Saturday morning was no exception. Collaborating with her ECMO specialist and ACP, April spent Friday evening and early Saturday morning pouring her time and energy into extensive patient resuscitation measures (line/drain management, blood product transfusions, medication administrations/titrations, etc). Once the patient's significant other and other family members arrived, April remained focused on meeting labile clinical demands and simultaneously incorporated the patient's loved ones while facilitating the grieving process as it became increasingly apparent to the healthcare team that efforts would be futile. Exhausting all life-saving measures, sadly, the patient could not be resuscitated and departed this life surrounded by loved ones. True to her nature, April remained present with, attentive to, and supportive of all at bedside, especially the patient's significant other. When the other loved ones had spoken their parting words, they returned home. The significant other remained, emotionally devastated. Throughout the evening's events, and after various conversations with this individual, April learned that because of the nature of the emergency, the significant other had been driven to the hospital by an employer and [despite multiple phone calls to the employer and various contacts] was unable to figure out a way home. Empathetic to the individual's situation, April didn't hesitate to offer a ride home (and would not accept no for an answer). Present during the event(s) or hearing this touching story after-the-fact and learning the transport was from CRMH to the significant other's residence in Wytheville and then to her own residence in Blacksburg, only to return to CRMH Saturday for her scheduled night shift, staff were inspired by April's compassionate kindness and were moved to recognize her. What a blessing it is to have April on our team!