Andrew Driscoll
August 2021
Pediatric ICU
The Johns Hopkins Hospital
United States
We are incredibly fortunate to have Drew as part of our PICU team, as he embodies all the qualities of an outstanding nurse.
Although Drew consistently exemplifies what a hardworking, compassionate nurse looks like, I watched him go above and beyond for a child this particular weekend. The child was stuck in an isolation room without family present for weeks. His birthday occurred during his ICU stay. Day after day, this child sat by himself with little to no interaction with anyone other than his PICU treatment team.
During the weekend, I watched Drew take extraordinary care of this boy. Drew spent way more time in this boy’s room than was "required" by his routine tasks and cares. He hung additional birthday decorations, helped the boy interact socially, got him out of bed to his chair, set him up with video games, and it was during all this that I saw a smile so big on this child's face that I had not seen in all his days in the PICU. This boy was beyond lucky to have Drew as his nurse. We are incredibly fortunate to have Drew as part of our PICU team, as he embodies all the qualities of an outstanding nurse.
During the weekend, I watched Drew take extraordinary care of this boy. Drew spent way more time in this boy’s room than was "required" by his routine tasks and cares. He hung additional birthday decorations, helped the boy interact socially, got him out of bed to his chair, set him up with video games, and it was during all this that I saw a smile so big on this child's face that I had not seen in all his days in the PICU. This boy was beyond lucky to have Drew as his nurse. We are incredibly fortunate to have Drew as part of our PICU team, as he embodies all the qualities of an outstanding nurse.