Alyssa Stegman
November 2019
Interventional Radiology
Wesley Medical Center
United States




Earlier today I was doing nurse leader rounding in our holding room and I overheard one of my nurses Alyssa, talking to her patient and presenting her with a gift. What she presented was a "prayer shawl"; the 35 y/o patient was newly diagnosed with ovarian cancer and was starting combo chemo and external beam radiation. Alyssa told her, "I want to give you something that I hope helps; I heard it can be cold during radiation treatments." She went on to explain the prayer shawl, its purpose and how it was made. The patient was very thankful and told her it meant a lot that we were so supportive of her, "cancer is very scary."
What I didn't know was that a few months back, one of my nurses Cathy reached out to a local group who makes the prayer shawls, to see if she could purchase some for our cancer patients. The group of ladies were so excited to make them, they did not charge Cathy any money. My nurses have handed out these shawls and stocking caps to 15 plus patients in the hopes to help ease the chill from the cold diagnosis of cancer.
These nurses...
Handed out because of love, made with love, in the name of love. Every day they amaze me, this is what Wesley nurses look like.