Kelsey Weber
May 2020
Emergency Department
Loma Linda University Medical Center - Murrieta




Kelsey calmly and compassionately updated me on my mom's critical condition and plan of care. She sensed how panicked and overwhelmed I was and took the time to comfort me.
When my mom's condition took a turn for the worst while my dad was out of the country, I called for an ambulance. The crew decided transporting her to the Main Campus would be best because they would have more resources. With tears running down my face, I told my mom I would follow as soon as I had gotten my young children taken care of. Unfortunately, a few minutes into her trip, she went into respiratory distress and they had to transport her to LLUMC-M. Ambulance staff were unable to communicate the change, so I drove to main. On arrival there, I was told my mom was not on their census.
I called LLUMC-M to check if she was transported there instead. Kelsey was the charge nurse that night. She calmly and compassionately updated me on my mom's critical condition and plan of care. She sensed how panicked and overwhelmed I was and took the time to comfort me by assuring me that everything possible was being done for my mom. She also took the time to encourage me to drive safely. As soon as I arrived, Kelsey met me and took me to my mom. She demonstrated extraordinary clinical and communication skills as she assisted the primary nurse with tasks and coordination of my mom's care. Kelsey is truly a DAISY Nurse because she personifies its essence. She listened and patiently answered all questions. She genuinely reflected the love of God during my darkest hour.