Lori Jones
January 2014
Geriatrics, Wellness Center CareSpan Clinic
Sanford USD Medical Center
Sioux Falls
United States




When Lori Jones heard a 76 year old woman describe a transient episode of expressive aphasia, she thoughtfully considered how best to encourage follow-up. Since the woman was no longer symptomatic, she did not want to see her physician. Lori employed her signature nursing traits of kindness, sincerity, and empathy to encourage the woman to seek medical care. Further testing revealed a positive stress test which led to an angiogram, the placement of a stent and medication changes. The woman is now participating in cardiac rehab and expresses her gratitude to Lori for her clinical expertise and perseverance. "Lori helped me get on the right track", stating she otherwise would have waited until another episode occurred.

Lori consistently partners with patients generating person-centered care by activating the individual's strengths. Lori is a master at creating trusting relationships with those she serves. She consistently demonstrates a desire to collaborate with other team members to design interdisciplinary interventions for individuals and groups in the community setting. Lori is highly deserving of recognition as a DAISY Award recipient.