Jenniffer Lanterman
July 2016
BirthCare Center
Wesley Healthcare
United States




At the BirthCare Center, we have many mothers who opt to have a natural labor instead of requesting an epidural. The involvement of the RN during natural labor is typically much more involved. Jenn encouraged the patient through hours of painful contractions, reminding her of how strong, powerful, amazing and able she was to have the natural labor she had set her mind to months prior to the big day. Jenn also coached this soon to be new mother on how to push when it was finally time, and reminded other staff of the mother's wishes during those precious moments after the infant was born, when the mother didn't have the strength or ability at the time to voice her wants and needs.
Both mom and baby were healthy, happy and had successfully been able to have an unmedicated labor and delivery, solely because of the care and work that Jenn showed during her shift. This patient raved about her labor nurse during the rest of her hospital stay, and even mentioned that this RN came back the next day to check on them.