Ahmad Shehadeh
November 2013
King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Centre - Jeddah
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia




Mr Ahmad Shehadeh was so helpful when starting an IV for one of my patients. I called him while I was very busy preparing chemotherapy medication for this patient with very small and difficult to access veins. After I had twice failed to insert the IV cannula, the patient started to cry and she refused the chemotherapy. Mr. Ahmad reassured her and managed to convince her to give him a chance at inserting the cannula, and he succeeded.

For him it was very easy, and within a few minutes he had done a professional assessment of the patient's veins and inserted the cannula. I was very worried that the patient would not be able to receive the chemotherapy medication, but with the presence of my Charge Nurse and his experience and support of the staff and patients, he made it possible.

His kindness and efficiency showed me how much he cared and made me so proud to be part of his team.